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2024-12-4 19:2

S4E03 - OnlyFans: Sophie Rain疯赚4300万美金背后

想必各位一定看过这样一条信息,有一位名叫Sophie Rain的“网红”在其X上发了一条推文:在过去一年里,她通过一个名为「OnlyFans」的平台赚了43,477,695.01美元。这是一个平台主要被NSFW内容创作者使用,而这位叫Rain的美女在OnlyFans上发布的主要是软色情内容,而她的粉丝们对此趋之若鹜。凯撒对这个数字表示怀疑,尤其是在这个高度数字化的时代,很多数字都有夸大其词的部分。从Rain发布的一系列截图来看,OnlyFans页面的支付数据,似乎证实了这4300万美元是真的。一个20岁的社交媒体影响者仅仅通过上传自己不同程度裸露的照片就赚得比英超足球运动员还多,甚至比那些著名的维密名人赚的还多?因此,凯撒对OnlyFans这个平台产生了很大的好奇,以及其背后的网络效应带来的商业价值有了一些思考。首先,我们来聊聊OnlyFan这个平台。从页面上来看,大多数页面都设有一个大约10美元左右的最低门槛,而Rain的大多数粉丝都负担得起这每月10美元以有资格看独家内容。付费平台不是什么商业上的独门绝技;但是,作为平台方,OnlyFans牛逼之处在于,同Netflix或Spotify相比,这并不是真正的收入来源。OnlyFans则像一个私人会员俱乐部,10美元进门,而10美元展示的是你的身份,然后,开始真正的消费。因此,OnlyFans的价值主要通过一种称为按次付费内容(PPVs)的机制提取。Rain的页面在付费后只有几张比基尼照片(凯撒其实不知道细节,因为凯撒不是订阅者),可能偶尔会有现场视频,她在其中做的事情是对新的独家内容做预告,比如,每天Rain都会推出新的PPV内容向私人会员俱乐部的会员们预告,但根据定义,这些内容对公开访问来说太‘“高级”。这里所谓的高级其实就是可以看果体。也就是说,如果你想看Rain的,你必须在订阅之外额外付费,而这个价格可能是任何金额。凯撒谷歌了一下,内容创作者经常能以超过100美元的价格出售一组图片,仅仅是静态图片,短视频可能需要更高的价格。虽然4300万美元对一个单独的创作者来说无疑是一笔巨款,但是这种数字在sex业中以前就存在过。过去十年的估计将全球sex产业的价值从970亿美元到更现实的150亿美元不等。2023年全球电影票房(大多不含真实x行为)为400亿美元。sex产业比好莱坞更有价值并非天方夜谭。因此,从数字媒体的角度,凯撒有一个疑问:什么使得OnlyFans变得与众不同且让人乐此不疲?凯撒好奇一个问题,Rain真的是全果吗?她基本上只是一遍又一遍地发布她胸部的照片。她并不是唯一这样做的人,事实上,很多创作者更加保守。那么,对Rain的粉丝来说,订阅者:你们想用你们的钱交换什么呢?或许有人会说,不应该低估男性对同一对乳房的新鲜感会因不同的角度而有新的兴趣。这些图像中的大多数已经从OnlyFans极其多孔的付费墙中泄露出来。毕竟,这是一个极易被盗版的平台。今年,Rain通过出售这些图片赚了4300万美元,而这些图片在24小时内就会在互联网上免费提供。那么,为什么这些男人还要为此付费?当他们不需要付费的时候,为什么要给她钱?凯撒在想,这可能是一种类社会关系,而这个术语凯撒在谷歌上找到了源头:parasociality(凯撒姑且翻译为:类社会)。感兴趣的各位可以在谷歌,或者问AI,这到底是什么样的一个概念。简单来说,这是用来描述YouTuber和他们粉丝之间的互动。这些YouTube上的创作者们邀请了一种亲密感:他们向粉丝展示他们的房子内部,让他们了解他们的感情困扰,从始至终兜售的是一种真实性。他们的观众对他们的生活感到投入;他们觉得自己是家庭的一部分,是朋友小圈子的一部分。所以,这是一种单方面的关系,只不过这种关系源于邀请。有点像粉丝对某一个歌手,一个电影明星,一个体育明星,或者其他的偶像之间的崇拜。不管是梅西还是C罗,在他们的粉丝会发布星星眼的健身视频,或参加各种公开活动的宣传,这与他在球场上的实力无关。事实上,这是一种正在发展的趋势,因互联网的去本地化过程而加剧。或许,类社会关系的概念来解释Rain和其粉丝之间的关系是一个不错的角度。表面上,Rain的粉丝是为了看她的胸部,且想一遍又一遍地看,因为交易创造了一种关系。这是一种脆弱的、空洞的、唯利是图的关系,但不管怎么说,这是一种关系。当然,她年轻漂亮且愿意脱衣服很重要。这是她在销售的想法。但是利用这个"想法"需要枯燥乏味的"内容创作"。有一种效应,叫做:本杰明·富兰克林效应,说的是:如果A方为B方做了一件好事,那么A方会因此对B方产生更积极的感觉。本质上,这是对我们为什么做好事的认知解释,尽管它们经常违背我们的自身利益。这种非理性价值的归因在某种程度上与20世纪资本主义格格不入,但我们在Z世代和年轻千禧一代中看到了更多这种情况。比如,王者荣耀。玩家下载不需要任何费用,但是,平台通过销售角色的不同主题的皮肤升级来获取巨额利润。这些皮肤的设计并不会带来竞争优势,而是一个炫耀的机会:它们允许你在游戏中支持其他IP,展示你玩了多长时间,或者炫耀你的可支配收入水平(确实是一种可能)。事实上,视频游戏社区在这种非理性价值归因上做得很大:Twitch,这是一个国外的视频游戏流媒体网站,基于一种分层打赏模式,这种模式首先代表地位和类社会关系,其次才是实用性。人们很自然地倾向于关注像Sophie Rain这样美化这个过程并发布大量收据的人。毫无疑问,该平台上也有很多创作者入不敷出,且为了创作这种内容而可能将未来的职业和个人关系置于风险之中。因为它显示人们越来越意识到在涉及NSFW内容时利用这种类社会关系是一件非常容易的事情。但是,问题是OnlyFans上的市场是否像理性的消费者市场一样运作,人们在其中权衡取舍并设定有限的预算,还是像赌博行业那样运作。性和P也具有成瘾性,因为很多人找P工作者或购买高级订阅而破产。毫不怀疑许多男性为了成为"糖爹"而积累了巨额信用卡债务。所以,OnlyFans将继续为内容创作者带来丰厚的回报。即使其他更受经济现实影响的平台降温。类社会关系和成瘾的结合至少在财务上是开创性的。但OnlyFans开始影响所有的媒体。凯撒注意到,自从马斯克重新定位X的方式就能看到这一点。马斯克有一个明确的目标:增加用户在他的平台上花费的时间,意味着他鼓励原生创作。从根本上与传统媒体目前使用社交媒体的方式是相悖的。实际上,他正试图将新闻行业TikTok化(或许是受到TIKTOK的带来的冲击的影响):使其更加以人格为导向,更加独立,更加由创作者驱动。新X上的财务回报很大程度上取决于参与度指标 - 浏览量、报告、点赞。所以,即使目前是X在发放真金白银,但X用户才是掌握其分配权的人。关注凯撒公众号的朋友都知道,凯撒自从开了播客之后,有一部分大系列的内容都在播客更新。有很多人抱怨凯撒的节目的质量时好时坏。老实说,凯撒录制的地方经常在变。其中,凯撒说营销管理系列的一期,凯撒是在户外边走边说录的,剪辑之后声音忽高忽低。凯撒也想过,找一个单独的地方,稍稍让装备专业一点,来录。但是,凯撒讲的是读书,因此,适合凯撒节目的最好的地方是书房,沏一壶茶,或者,泡一杯咖啡,说上这么一段,营造出一种气氛。等到凯撒的节目也开始付费(这个很难,得有关注凯撒的朋友捧场),那也或多或少形成了一种类社会关系。因为到这个时候,听众会认为凯撒这个主理人像是一个"朋友"。因此,一个好的媒体产品应该追求的:一种氛围感、理解感和参与感。能像OnlyFans这样模式收获效果的,亚马逊Prime算一个。Prime在某种程度上已经做到了通过设定费用和大型图书馆将订阅者吸引到付费之后,再诱使他们为未包含的单独标题付费。软付费和PPV(按访问付费,而不是按观看付费)不会像给Bonnie Blue一个普利策奖那样彻底改变西方社媒乃至整个世界的社媒行业,但可能是一个开始。无论是在Substack,在X,还是在今天讨论的OnlyFans上,归根结底,是类社会关系的一种海市蜃楼。4300万美元对一个年轻女性来说是一大笔钱,但是,她交换了什么?肯定是隐私。另一端,毫无疑问有人兴奋地赚取与Joe Normal会计师相同的薪水以换取放弃这些同样的基本稳定性。现在,我们衡量媒体业务实力的一个好测试是问:它与读者/听众/观众的关系有多类社会化?观众是为品牌还是为个性而来?如果有人离开,他们会迁移到其他平台吗?‘Sex'能成为生意的内核是其利用了人类大脑的非理性部分。退一步说,如果Sophie Rain加入SuperMegaCorp并开始为他们制作内容,他们无法产生任何接近4300万美元的订阅收入,原因是订阅经济是建立在感知真实性的基础上,而用户被鼓励付费的方式远不如买一份5美元的报纸那么理性。这就是为什么Sophie Rain的胸部比一群衣着得体的专栏作家更有利可图。有些话题不好在这里谈,比如kleptocracy(权贵政治),很多人认为kleptocracy是导致社会存在厌女的原因,凯撒不这么认为。经济不平等和权贵制度对女性的伤害甚于对男性的伤害。即使在经济形势好的时候,男人也会对女人有同样的感觉。即使是富裕的男性,也会对出卖色相的女性,甚至是与他们发生sex关系的女人感到憎恨、怨恨、厌恶和蔑视。当然,Rain的爆红,OnlyFans的暴利,不会在我们这个国度出现。即便是在美帝这个所谓开放民主自由的国度也并非那么一帆风顺。我们可以从其风靡的背后看到这是整个美国经济乃至美国社会的焦虑。这表明,美国国民的收入不平等正在悄悄地让人们感到绝望。人们已经厌倦了毫无保障的生活。他们转而从事sex工作,作为获得现金的最后努力。回到OnlyFans,只聊商业。凯撒想不明白,OnlyFan这个模式的护城河是什么?我们可以谈论护城河、品牌、优势等,但如果在产品创新上止步不前,就会被甩在后面。这对初创公司和想进入这个市场的人来说都是好消息,因为只要你能打造出更好的产品,就有机会超越那些拥有大量用户的竞争者。因此,对于OnlyFans来说,更好的产品是什么?更好的吸引更多的付费用户的策略又是什么?凯撒记得,Covid19期间,Disney开始推动向流媒体模式的转移。Disney+打包了包括 Marvel、StarWars等经典IP,2019年11月推出后当天就收获了1000万订阅用户,到2022年11月,达到峰值1.64亿订户。毫无疑问,Disney的转型也带动了一众传统媒体的跟随。相反,Netflix的订阅用户保持持续增长,一方面得益于其推出的含广告的低价版,另一方面也源于它积累的版权内容管理能力。Disney 需要平衡复杂的内部关系:流媒体业务是否会影响院线电影、有线电视或主题公园业务?这不仅仅意味着烧脑的财务模型,更需要和导演、编剧、演员做拉锯式的谈判,在创意决策和财务汇报的多重平衡上,Disney到底愿不愿意为流媒体做应有的倾斜,抑或说 Disney+ 其实是一个过期片库的奥特莱斯?最终,观众在 Disney+上看到的内容是这一切平衡的妥协产物。而Netflix 则保持自己的原创能力,面向观众喜好,控制成本,增加频率,尽管影评人的评分并不高,但那并不妨碍 Netflix成功捍卫王座。我们所熟知的品牌几乎焕然一新。渠道、供应链、已有的用户基础没有能够帮助在位者赢得新范式下的竞争,它们过去的优势反而成为难以对抗的“网络惯性”。如此看来,给了OnlyFans如此现象级增长的机会,但是,这能让其走多远,鉴于目前OnlyFans带来的社会问题,是否能继续让其有长远发展,还是只是投机式的昙花一现。用Meidum上Desiree Peralta的那篇关于OnlyFans的文章来结束:Prostitution (in any form) will never be the definitive answer. I’m glad influencers have stopped glamorizing a life that isn’t for everyone in order to attract people who should never have been on this app in the first place.以上。参考资料1、OnlyFans Uncovered: Valuation and Business Model Explained - Wishpond Blog2、Unlocking The Secrets Of OnlyFans Business Model3、The Rise (And Fall) Of OnlyFans Says A Lot About Our Society, by Ossiana Tepfenhart4、What is OnlyFans? - OnlyFans Stats, Users, Earnings & More (influencermarketinghub)

2024-8-20 21:39

S5E05 - 阿长都能学好的英文(5)

《黑神话:悟空》,上线了,一时间火遍了国内外全网。很多人出相关的内容,从文字,图文,到短视频,甚至小破站都有UP主发攻略,长视频,可谓是好不热闹。凯撒最近在重新捡起那个鸡肋般的英文,无论是口语,还是写作。因此,借这个话题为素材,写上一篇,同样,放在这个题为【阿长都能学好的英文】系列。(声明:【阿长都能学好的英文】系列始发于小报童,想了解其他内容,或者想跟着凯撒选的内容来练习英文的,欢迎移步。本人公众号,只会同步发布几篇凯撒认为有趣的,供各位消遣)图片来自于《黑神话:悟空》游戏官网On August 20, 2024, the gaming world witnessed a seismic event: the release of Black Myth: Wukong, China's first true AAA game. Within an hour of its launch, it topped Steam's most-played games list, amassing over a million concurrent players. The game's impact extended beyond the gaming sphere, influencing stock markets and even prompting some companies to declare a "gaming holiday."This phenomenal success raises intriguing questions about the state of the gaming industry, particularly in China, and the broader implications for content creation and distribution in the digital age.The Aggregation Theory at PlayBlack Myth: Wukong's success is a textbook example of Aggregation Theory in action. The game has effectively aggregated user attention on a massive scale, leveraging the power of digital distribution platforms like Steam to reach a global audience instantly. This direct-to-consumer approach has allowed Game Science, the developer, to bypass traditional gatekeepers and create a direct relationship with its users.The game's success also highlights the increasing importance of user experience in the gaming industry. By focusing on creating a high-quality, immersive experience, Game Science has differentiated itself in a market often criticized for prioritizing monetization over gameplay.Interestingly, Black Myth: Wukong's triumph comes at a time when venture capital investment in the gaming industry has been declining. Since 2018, the number of investments in the sector has dropped significantly, with only 16 deals recorded so far in 2024.This trend seems counterintuitive given the industry's growing revenues and the occasional breakout success like Black Myth: Wukong. However, it reflects a broader shift in the gaming industry's structure. The market has become increasingly concentrated, with a few major players dominating the top revenue spots. This consolidation has made it harder for new entrants to break through, reducing the attractiveness of the sector for venture capital.The Stratechery PerspectiveWhat we're witnessing isn't just a trend; it's a schism. The gaming world is cleaving into two distinct realities:1/ The Entrenched Titans: These are your Tencents, your Epics, your EAs. They're sitting pretty atop mountains of lucrative IP and monetization engines more complex than a Rube Goldberg machine;2/ The Artistic Insurgents: Enter Black Myth: Wukong. These are the games that might not make it rain cash like a broken ATM, but they capture hearts, minds, and headlines;This isn't just a bifurcation; It's a revolution in slow motion.For the titans, the writing is on the wall: innovate or evaporate. They need to keep those cash registers singing while somehow fending off the Black Myth: Wukongs of the world. It's like trying to steer a cruise ship through a minefield.For the plucky upstarts, it's a different ballgame. Their currency isn't just money; it's attention. And in the attention economy, a game like Black Myth: Wukong is the equivalent of striking oil.The Future: Experience is the KingIf, however, Black Myth: Wukong has taught us anything, it's that in the cutthroat colosseum of modern gaming, user experience reigns supreme. It's not enough to have flashy graphics or a recognizable IP. You need to create worlds that players don't just visit, but live in.This isn't just a lesson for gaming; it's a blueprint for the entire digital economy. In a world drowning in content, the ability to craft truly engaging, immersive experiences isn't just an asset - it's the whole damn game.As we stand on the precipice of this new era, one thing is clear: the companies that can bottle the lightning that is Black Myth: Wukong's success - that perfect alchemy of innovation, quality, and pure, unadulterated fun - won't just survive. They'll write the next chapter of the digital age.The game has changed. Who will rise to play it?最后,聊两句本人对这款游戏以及整个游戏行业的一点点想法:凯撒之前没有特别关注游戏这个行业,只是之前是跨境支付从业者,加上现今从事品牌流量相关,多多少少有接触到一些;另外,凯撒也不是一个游戏深度玩家,因此,本人的观点仅仅是从一个商业生态的角度来看,到底这一次,带来的影响是什么。就从现有的材料来看,凯撒更愿意把《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏视为一件艺术品,正如《战神奎托斯》系列一样,它的作用是开创性的。但是,站在一个投资的角度,若游戏行业的投资还是那么如火如荼,凯撒担心的是,这类仿黑神话的作品会有很多,比如,《封神演义》有哪吒,《梦溪笔谈》有钟馗,在现在这个AI推动的新的工业化背景下,变成了流水线产品,这个时候,再回头看,《黑神话:悟空》还算是艺术品?凯撒期待《黑神话:悟空》像《战神奎托斯》一样,出个1234来,一部一部迭代,一点一点去打磨这个游戏,从人物塑造,场景考究,故事严谨性,再到游戏操作,玩家体验等。游戏从来和画画一样,是艺术品,需要有属于它的马良,拿起那只神笔,不断打磨。以上。

2024-7-29 14:7

S1E19 《卖货真相》摘要2

上一篇:传送门。笔记12 4P 中“promotion”的准确含义1、威廉•尼克尔斯所著的《认识商业》中是这么定义促销的:促销(promotion)是卖方用来告知并鼓励人们购买其产品或服务的所有技巧。(In "Understanding Business" by William Nickels, promotion is defined as all the techniques that sellers use to inform and encourage people to purchase their products or services.)2、 借用一下尼克尔斯对促销的定义,对推广下一个定义:推广是卖方用来告知并鼓励人们购买其产品或服务的所有技巧、方式和方法。推广活动包括广告、个人销售、公共关系、展会、裂变、直播,以及各种促销手段,如优惠券、返利、满减、小样和打折优惠等。(Borrowing from Nickels' definition of 'promotion', let's define it as all the techniques, methods, and approaches that sellers use to inform and encourage people to buy their products or services. Promotional activities include advertising, personal selling, public relations, trade shows, viral marketing, live streaming, and various promotional tactics such as coupons, rebates, discounts, samples, and sales.)3、 不同的行业,不同的阶段,推广的重心也是不同的。餐饮行业的门头招牌是最核心的传播方法(Different industries and stages have different focuses for promotion. In the restaurant industry, the storefront sign is the most crucial communication method)4、你找到或搞定一个强大的渠道 本身也是一种强有力的推广方法。(Securing a powerful channel itself is also a highly effective promotional method.)5、渠道会提供购买的流量;而推广则提升流量和转化率。案例:沃尔玛是一个渠道,沃尔玛提供了相对固定的客流量。而入驻沃尔玛的品牌,通过在沃尔玛周边小区打促销广告,或者是LBS的线上广告,或者是在沃尔玛现场试吃、降价促销,就可以拉到更多的客流,促成更多的销售。(Channels provide purchase traffic, while promotion enhances both traffic and conversion rates.>Example: Walmart serves as a channel, offering relatively stable customer traffic. Brands that enter Walmart can attract more customers and drive more sales through promotional ads in nearby communities, online LBS (location-based services) ads, or in-store sampling and discount promotions.)6、试吃就是在店门口放试吃台,路过的顾客可以随便试吃。通常免费试吃有两个作用,一是顾客尝试之后感觉到真好,会促进他们购买;二是试吃提供了一个让顾客停下脚步的理由。(Sampling involves setting up a tasting booth at the store entrance, where passersby freely samples products. Free sampling usually serves two purposes:first, customers may feel inclined to buy after tasting;second, sampling gives customers a reason to stop and check out the store.7、其实对绝大部分企业来说,产品没有太大差别,更重要的是渠道和推广能力。渠道和推广是卖货的关键所在。如果产品强,定价合理,渠道和推广又给力,那做成一个大品牌就只是时间问题了。(For most companies, product differences are minimal; what matters more are the channel and promotional capabilities. Channels and promotion are key to selling. If the product is strong, the pricing is reasonable, and the channel and promotion are effective, building a major brand is just a matter of time.)笔记13 推广就是让顾客产生记忆、购买和传播1、推广的目的其实很简单:让顾客产生记忆,购买,和传播(The essence of promotion is remarkably straightforward: to generate customer memory, stimulate purchases, and foster word-of-mouth spread.)1.1、 第一个行为:记忆:希望顾客能记住一些必要信息:比如:零糖零脂零卡(First Behavior: MemoryThe aim is to imprint crucial information in customers' minds. For instance, a product might be remembered for being "zero sugar, zero fat, zero calories.")1.2、第二个行为:购买:记忆这个话题实际涉及购买行为;推广的本质是一种信息推送服务,有些推广可能要持续很久,才会产生购买行为品牌推广:提供打动顾客的信息和内容:匹配了顾客需求、激发了顾客需求,进行消费提醒,以及让顾客产生占便宜的感觉(Second Behavior: PurchaseMemory is intrinsically linked to purchasing behavior. At its core, promotion is an information dissemination service. Some promotional efforts may require sustained campaigns before translating into actual purchases.Brand Promotion: This involves crafting compelling information and content that resonates with customers, aligns with their needs, ignites their desires, serves as a consumption reminder, and creates a perception of value or bargain.1.3,第三个行为:传播。如果顾客也能参与商品的推广和传播,那企业可以节省海量的推广费用。(1.3 Third Behavior: SpreadWhen customers become active participants in product promotion and dissemination, it can lead to substantial savings in promotional expenses for the company.)笔记14 营销推广活动“三角”:场景、内容和形式1、一个优秀的推广活动就是在这三个部分做到了极致,从而获得极高性价比;(An outstanding promotion campaign achieves excellence in these three aspects, thereby attaining an extremely high cost-effectiveness ratio.)2、营销中的推广活动说起来很复杂,其实总结下来,要找到潜在客户最常见的场景去做推广,设计最能打动客户的推广内容,以及有效的推广形式。(Marketing promotional activities may sound complex, but when summarized, it boils down to finding the most common scenarios to reach potential customers, designing promotional content that resonates most with customers, and employing effective promotional forms.)3、案例:爱玛电动车: 中国移动的销售场最就是自己或者外包的地推组织,爱玛的销售场景则是中国移动。中国移动的推广形式是买套餐送爱玛,而爱玛的推广形式是搭着中国移动的套餐送爱玛。这就是营销推广活动的三角结构:场景、内容和形式。(Case study: Aima Electric Bikes: China Mobile's sales scenario consists of its own or outsourced ground promotion teams, while Aima's sales scenario is China Mobile itself. China Mobile's promotional form is offering Aima bikes as a bonus when purchasing a phone plan, whereas Aima's promotional form is leveraging China Mobile's plan to distribute their bikes. This exemplifies the triangular structure of marketing promotion campaigns: scene, content, and form.)笔记15 营销推广的底层逻辑(Note 15: The Underlying Logic of Marketing Promotion)1、推广效果的底层逻辑无非两个:一个是演绎法(基于人性和文化基因);另一个是归纳法(根据过去的推广经验和数据算法)(The underlying logic of promotional effectiveness essentially boils down to two approaches: one is deductive reasoning (based on human nature and cultural genes); the other is inductive reasoning (based on past promotional experiences and data algorithms).2、演绎法导出的营销推广底层: 最底层是人性,从众心理; 第二层,比较固定,是文化传统和风俗习惯; 第三层,潮流和流行因素, 第四层,也是时间长度最短的要素,热点(The underlying layers of marketing promotion derived from deductive reasoning:The bottommost layer is human nature, including the herd mentality;The second layer, which is relatively fixed, consists of cultural traditions and customs;The third layer comprises trends and popular factors;The fourth layer, which is the element with the shortest time span, is hot topics.)3、营销推广,首先要广泛学习各行各业的既有经验,避开前人踩过的坑,同时快速学习他人的经验。所以向先进的同行或者跨界的同行学习是一条捷径。(In marketing promotion, one should first extensively study existing experiences from various industries, avoiding pitfalls that others have already stepped into, while rapidly learning from others' experiences. Thus, learning from advanced peers or cross-industry counterparts is a shortcut.)笔记16 设计推广的时候,你根本不知道你的顾客在想什么?(Note 16: When Designing Promotions, You Really Have No Idea What Your Customers Are Thinking)1、推广活动应该是从顾客的角度去思考。但是人的通病就是总从自己的视角看问题。(Promotional activities should be conceived from the customer's perspective. However, a common human flaw is to always view problems from one's own angle.)2、案例:遇见小面口号过去是这么喊的:“不在重庆,遇见小面。欢迎光临!“这句话写得很巧妙,不过收效甚微,因为顾客走在商场里,他们只是想吃一顿午饭或者晚饭,他们的关注点不是这个。他们关注什么呢?我们发现顾客走到门口时提得最多的一个问题是:“你们有没有不辣的?。我们在现场观察的时候发现了这个问题,然后就建议他们把门迎的喊宾口号改成了“辣不辣都有,辣不辣都香”。并且我们在遇见小面门口设计了一个大菜单,上面明确地标示出“辣”和“不辣”的品类。这样就解决了顾客的疑虑,他们不用问就可以直接进店了。(Case Study: Yujian Xiaomian (Meet Noodles)In the past, their slogan was: "Not in Chongqing, meet Xiaomian. Welcome!" This phrase was cleverly written, but its effect was minimal because customers walking in the mall just wanted to have lunch or dinner; this wasn't their focus. What were they concerned about? We discovered that the most common question customers asked at the entrance was: "Do you have non-spicy options?"When we observed this issue on-site, we then suggested changing the welcoming slogan to "Spicy or not, all are fragrant." We also designed a large menu at Yujian Xiaomian's entrance, clearly marking "spicy" and "non-spicy" categories. This resolved customers' doubts, allowing them to enter directly without asking.)3、观察者偏差(又叫孕妇效应):很多人觉得别人都跟自己一样。案例:鱼你在一起:我们在服务“鱼你在一起”(酸菜鱼品牌)的时候,最初我们建它的菜单要整体降价3元左右,因为我们认为它当时的客单价偏高,鱼你在一起的高层觉得顾客不会太在意这几元钱。要如何克服这种观察者偏差呢?要到消费者群中去,观察他们的行为,真正理解他们,不能天天只坐在办公室里海阔天空地想(Observer Bias (also called the Pregnancy Effect): Many people think others are just like themselves.Case Study: Yu Ni Zai Yi Qi (Fish with You): When we were serving "Yu Ni Zai Yi Qi" (a sauerkraut fish brand), we initially suggested lowering their menu prices by about 3 yuan overall, as we felt their current per-customer spending was too high. Yu Ni Zai Yi Qi's upper management thought customers wouldn't care much about these few yuan.How can we overcome this observer bias? We need to go among consumer groups, observe their behavior, and truly understand them, instead of sitting in the office imagining grand ideas all day.)笔记17 从顾客需求出发设计推广内容(Note 17: Designing Promotional Content Based on Customer Needs)第一种需求:性能或功能,有一个前提,这个功能是可以被描述的。案例:元气森林气泡水的“零糖零脂零卡”第二种需求:定制化或个性化:那一类消费者的需求异质性较高或者比较喜欢专属的概念第三种需求:降低风险或者打消顾虑 有些消费者在消费某些产品的时候担心一些问题,比如质量不好,售后问题,使用麻烦等第四中需求:获得优越感第五种需求:更高端:针对收入较好的消费者第六种需求:更好的使用体验第七种需求:省去麻烦,增强便利性第八种需求:流行和新鲜感第九种需求:低价:除了产品的功能设计要超过消费者预期,产品的价格也要超过消费者预期(The first type of need: Performance or functionality, with a prerequisite that this functionality can be described.Case study: Genki Forest sparkling water's "Zero sugar, zero fat, zero calories"The second type of need: Customization or personalization: For those consumers whose needs have high heterogeneity or who particularly like the concept of exclusivityThe third type of need: Reducing risk or alleviating concerns Some consumers worry about certain issues when consuming some products, such as poor quality, after-sales problems, difficulty in use, etc.The fourth type of need: Obtaining a sense of superiorityThe fifth type of need: More high-end: Targeting consumers with better incomesThe sixth type of need: Better user experienceThe seventh type of need: Eliminating hassle, enhancing convenienceThe eighth type of need: Trendiness and noveltyThe ninth type of need: Low price: Besides the product's functional design exceeding consumer expectations, the product's price should also exceed consumer expectations.)笔记18 影响消费者决策的 POM 模型(Note 18: The POM Model Influencing Consumer Decisions)1、4P 理论就是一个大的框架,这个框架让企业开展营销活动的时候能够算无遗策,不遗漏任何重要部分(The 4P theory serves as a broad framework, ensuring that companies can conduct marketing activities without overlooking any important aspects.)2、到底什么影响了消费者的选择?西蒙森提出了一个几乎是最全,也是最简单的消费者决策模型,叫作 POM 模型。这个模型关注的是,消费者做选择的时候到底受到了哪些影响。(What exactly influences consumer choices? Simonsen proposed a comprehensive and simple consumer decision model called the POM model. This model focuses on the influences on consumers when they make choices.)2.1、第一种力量来自消费者自己(personal)2.2、第二种力量来自品牌方的传播(marketing)2.3、第三种力量来自第三方,也就是他人(others),比如:身边的朋友,网上的专家,或者 KO(2.1. The first force comes from the consumers themselves (Personal).2.2. The second force comes from the brand's marketing efforts (Marketing).2.3. The third force comes from third parties, i.e., others (Others), such as friends, online experts, or Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs).)3、通常,“市场力量”影响大的行业,比较容易出现大品牌,比如饮料或者零食行业;而“个人偏好”影响较大的行业,不容易出现大品牌,因为这些行业做营销推广的回报没有那么高,很难做出大品牌,比如大米、食盐、水果、茶叶等领域。(Typically, industries where "market forces" have a significant influence are more likely to produce big brands, such as the beverage or snack industries. In contrast, industries where "personal preferences" have a greater influence are less likely to produce big brands because the returns on marketing promotions in these industries are not as high, making it difficult to establish big brands. Examples include rice, salt, fruit, and tea.)4、那遇到这种产品营销推广效果不大,也很难靠口碑形成购买,我们该怎么办呢?第一种方法就是在渠道上精耕细作,占领大部分可能的渠道。比如安井的主要产品是各种冷冻的丸子(鱼丸、虾丸、牛肉丸等),消费者在选购各类丸子的时候,其实并没有明显的品牌偏好。你也可以回忆在超市或者菜市场采购丸子的经历或者观察一下消费者,你或者他们是不是并不关注哪个品牌?你的购买很随机,随手拿一袋就好了。这时候,起决定作用的不是品牌,而是品牌的铺货量。你铺货越多,第二种方法是做渠道品牌,而不是做商品品牌。消费者在购买时没有明确的品牌偏好,却有明确的渠道偏好,这就是渠道商建设品牌的机会。宣家家具本质上也是一个渠道品牌,因为它的形式是一个大卖场。虽然蔬菜、水果、海鲜等产品没有什么大品牌,却有像百果园、盒马鲜生等渠道型品牌。第三种方法是改变品类的定位。比如,雀巢咖啡早期进入中国市场,由于中国人对咖啡并不感兴趣,因此,雀巢把咖啡当作一种高档礼品来销售香氛销量最大的是名创优品。而在线上,香氯销量最大的品牌是尹谜。消费者在消费香氛的时候,主要是对包装的瓶形和气味有个人的审美和偏好,至于什么牌子,对他们来说影响不大。但是,如果你能提供购买的便利性,消费者可能就会优先选择你,所以名创优品得益于线下渠道多,尹谜则得益于擅长线上推广。营销的力量主要指的就是营销推广活动(So, what should we do when marketing promotions for such products are not very effective, and it's hard to rely on word-of-mouth to drive purchases?The first method is to meticulously cultivate channels and occupy as many potential channels as possible. For example, Anjoy's main products are various frozen balls (fish balls, shrimp balls, beef balls, etc.). When consumers choose these balls, they don't have a clear brand preference. You might recall your own experiences buying balls in supermarkets or markets, or observe other consumers—do you or they pay much attention to the brand? Your purchase is quite random; you just grab a bag.At this point, what matters is not the brand but the brand's distribution volume. The more you distribute, the better.The second method is to build a channel brand rather than a product brand. While consumers may not have a clear brand preference when purchasing, they do have a clear channel preference, which presents an opportunity for channel operators to build a brand.Xuancheng Furniture is essentially a channel brand because it operates as a large marketplace. Although products like vegetables, fruits, and seafood don't have big brands, there are channel brands like Pagoda and Hema Fresh.The third method is to change the category's positioning. For example, when Nestlé coffee first entered the Chinese market, Chinese people were not interested in coffee. Therefore, Nestlé marketed coffee as a high-end gift.The best-selling fragrance brand offline is Miniso, while online, the best-selling fragrance brand is Yinmi. When consumers buy fragrances, they mainly have personal aesthetic preferences for the bottle shape and scent, rather than the brand. However, if you can provide purchasing convenience, consumers might prioritize choosing you. Miniso benefits from having many offline channels, while Yinmi excels in online promotion.The power of marketing mainly refers to marketing promotion activities.)5、第三方的力量:不同的时代,消费者的消费决策受到的影响也是不同的,因为消费者所处的传播环境不同了。(Third-party influence: In different eras, the factors influencing consumer decisions vary because the communication environment changes.)6、消费者为什么不相信品牌广告,而是更相信第三方力量?有一部分原因是这个购买决策很重要。很多产品的好坏是后验性的,无法提前使用或者体验,也无法提前验证质量,消费者怕上当或者买错了。那你需要做的就是降低消费者的风险,降低消费者购买的门槛。(Why do consumers distrust brand advertisements and trust third-party influences more? One reason is that the purchase decision is significant. Many products' quality is post-experience and cannot be tested or verified beforehand, so consumers fear being deceived or making the wrong purchase. What you need to do is reduce consumer risk and lower the barriers to purchase.)笔记19 做广告为什么有效(Note 19: Why Advertising Works)1、电商渠道投放的效果广告最直接有效,因为它可以通过用户看广告直接点击产生交易(Performance ads placed on e-commerce channels are the most direct and effective, as they can generate transactions directly through users clicking on ads.)2、一个心理学效应,叫作多看效应。所谓多看效应,就是说一个东西、品牌或者一个人,你看得越多就会觉得“TA”越好。(There's a psychological effect called the mere exposure effect. The mere exposure effect means that the more you see something, a brand, or a person, the better you'll think "they" are.)3、判断品牌知名度有三个指标:3.1、第一个指标:品牌再认率。即在向消费者展示某个品牌或产品时,消费者能辨认出这个品牌的能力和程度3.2、第二个指标:品牌再现率。看到具体的商品后“认出”这个品牌;品牌再现,是顾客头脑中能直接浮现这个品牌3.3、第三个指标:无提示第一提及率。当一个顾客被问到知道某个品类哪些品牌的时候,他提到的第一个品牌。(There are three indicators to judge brand awareness:3.1. The first indicator: Brand recognition rate. This refers to the ability and degree to which consumers can recognize a brand when shown a particular brand or product.3.2. The second indicator: Brand recall rate. Recognition is "recognizing" the brand after seeing the specific product; brand recall is when the brand can directly come to mind for the customer.3.3. The third indicator: Unaided first mention rate. This is the first brand a customer mentions when asked which brands they know in a certain category.)4、品牌在预算有限的情况下,当然应该优先精准投放广告来实现商效、低成本的成交,毕竟传统的广告在短期看来是挺浪费的。但有一定实力之后,我的建议是一定要做传统广告,而不是精准广告。(When a brand has a limited budget, it should, of course, prioritize precise ad placement to achieve commercial effectiveness and low-cost transactions, as traditional advertising seems quite wasteful in the short term. However, once a brand has some strength, my suggestion is to definitely do traditional advertising rather than precise advertising.)5、精准投放的流量广告不是不能做,而是要兼顾品牌知名度的建设。(It's not that precisely targeted traffic ads can't be done, but they should be balanced with building brand awareness.)笔记20 广告为什么有效(Note 20: Why Advertising Works)1、广告,是各种推广活动中最熱悉、最常见的一种。虽然广告的作用正在日益下降,但广告依然是目前品牌方最重要的推广方式之一。(Advertising is the most familiar and common form among various promotional activities. Although the effect of advertising is gradually declining, it remains one of the most important promotional methods for brands.)2、 品牌方打一个广告,通常有四种作用:匹配用户需求,塑造品牌形象,激发或提示顾客消费,释放所需信号。(When a brand runs an advertisement, it typically serves four purposes: matching user needs, shaping brand image, stimulating or prompting customer consumption, and releasing necessary signals.)2.1 匹配用户需求:广告的作用之一就是匹配用户的各种需求2.2 塑造品牌形象:广告还有一个作用,塑造产品功能之外的精神属性,也就是品牌形象。我们实际上生活在一个符号构成的世界。品牌符号是一种特别的意义符号,它们由品牌企业设计并维护,通过品牌的传播,最终成为全社会或者部分群体中约定俗成的意义符号,从而让顾客能识别,能体会,能利用它的意义。(这也就是“符号学”对品牌的意义)案例:耐克,会宣扬拼搏、奋斗的个人精神,百事可乐会讲年轻人的生活要酷一点。当顾客认同这种品牌精神的时候,就会更倾向于购买这种品牌的产品。顾客在使用产品的时候,会受到这种精神的鼓舞,更重要的是,由于全社会对这种品牌的符号象征形成了共识,他们看到这个品牌符号的时候也会认同这种象征。很多时候,顾客购买某个品牌产品其实就是单纯地想购买它的 logo,因为它代表的无形精神非常独特,而这恰好是顾客想要表达的(2.1 Matching user needs: One function of advertising is to match various user needs.2.2 Shaping brand image: Another function of advertising is to shape the spiritual attributes beyond product functionality, which is the brand image.We actually live in a world composed of symbols. Brand symbols are special meaning symbols, designed and maintained by brand enterprises. Through brand communication, they eventually become conventional meaning symbols in the whole society or among certain groups, allowing customers to recognize, experience, and utilize their meanings.(This is the significance of "semiotics" for brands)Case study: Nike promotes the individual spirit of striving and struggle, while Pepsi talks about how young people's lives should be cooler.When customers identify with this brand spirit, they are more inclined to purchase products of this brand. When using the product, customers will be inspired by this spirit. More importantly, because the whole society has formed a consensus on the symbolic representation of this brand, they will also recognize this symbolism when they see the brand symbol.Often, when customers buy a product of a certain brand, they are simply wanting to buy its logo, because the intangible spirit it represents is very unique, and this is exactly what the customer wants to express.)2.3 激发或提示顾客消费:顾客生活中很多消费决定是偶发的和随机的(Stimulating or prompting customer consumption: Many consumption decisions in customers' lives are incidental and random.)2.4、释放所需信号:广告还有一个作用,释放品牌想释放的信号。一个品牌想要增加经销商,就要给经销商信心。打广告,就是释放一种信号,表示自己很有实力,会有很多的广告支持经销商做销售。广告通常会释放哪些信号:i)信任与实力信号:实力信号和信任信号的作用类似,都是让消费者觉得你有实从而产生信任,才会购买你的产品;而广告数量和广告媒体本身就是这种信号的一种表达;ii)热门或者流行信号:广告越多,顾客会觉得你越抢手,也会觉得你的品牌现在很流行;iii)决心或者保证信号:iv)重视或者用心信号: 当顾客购买一个服务或者一个产品的时候,如果他很关心你用不用心(比如儿童产品),那这种传递用心信号的广告就可能会打动他。(Releasing necessary signals: Advertising also has the function of releasing signals that the brand wants to release.If a brand wants to increase distributors, it needs to give distributors confidence. Advertising is releasing a signal, indicating that it has strong capabilities and will provide a lot of advertising support for distributors to make sales.What signals does advertising typically release:i) Trust and strength signals: The function of strength signals and trust signals is similar, both making consumers feel that you have capability, thus generating trust, and then they will buy your products;The quantity of advertisements and the advertising media itself are a form of expression of this signal;ii) Popular or trendy signals: The more advertisements, the more customers will feel that your product is in demand and that your brand is currently trendy;iii) Determination or guarantee signals;iv) Attentiveness or care signals: When customers buy a service or a product, if they care a lot about whether you are attentive (such as children's products), then this kind of advertising that conveys attentiveness signals might move them.This translation aims to be more faithful to the original text while maintaining clarity and expressiveness in English.)笔记 21 一个新品牌究竟是怎么从 0 到1进行推广的?(Note 21: How Does a New Brand Actually Promote from 0 to 1?)1、小企业能慢慢把一个品牌做起来,唯一的办法就是踏踏实实,小步快跑地去尝试、改进和发展,通过远超同行的努力和创新,不断提开企业的效率,降低企业的成本。(The only way for small businesses to gradually build a brand is to work steadily, taking small but quick steps to try, improve, and develop. Through efforts and innovation far surpassing their peers, they continuously improve efficiency and reduce costs.)2、 你拼不动资本,你就拼工作时间和工作效率;你请不起优秀员工,就由创始团队主动学习和历练来完成企业发展中的各项任务。推广动作做多了,你就会积累经验,就会知道什么媒体、哪个网红回报率高,也会知道什么时间,什么内容更容易转化和传播(If you can't compete with capital, compete with working hours and efficiency; if you can't afford excellent employees, the founding team must proactively learn and gain experience to complete various tasks in the company's development.The more promotional activities you do, the more experience you'll accumulate. You'll learn which media and which influencers have high returns, and you'll also know what times and content are more likely to convert and spread.)3、创业早期钱贵人贱,那就靠人的时间和精力来换更多的推广效果;以后钱多了,人的时间贵了,那就用钱来换时间,用钱来做推广。(In the early stages of a startup, when money is precious and people are cheap, rely on people's time and energy to achieve more promotional effects; later, when there's more money and people's time becomes valuable, use money to buy time and do promotions.)笔记22 花小钱办大事--用创新实现低成本传播(Note 22: Achieving Big Results with Small Budgets - Using Innovation for Low-Cost Communication)1、所有从事营销的人都会面临两个很残酷的现实:一个是你的品牌知名度永远都不够;二是你的市场费用永远都不够;(All marketers face two cruel realities: one is that your brand awareness is never enough; the other is that your marketing budget is never enough.)2、大家一定要记住,自媒体不仅仅是微信、微博、抖音、快手,自媒体其实是你自己拥有的媒体。当然聪明的朋友可能想到了,那我的产品不也是我的自媒体吗?是的,很多时候,你的产品可能是你拥有的最大的自媒体。(Everyone must remember, self-media isn't just WeChat, Weibo, TikTok, or Kuaishou. Self-media is actually any media you own. Of course, smart friends might realize, isn't my product also my self-media? Yes, often your product might be the largest self-media you own.)3、请记住一句话,任何可以面对大众展示的东西都可以成为你传播品牌的载体,你只要发挥无穷的想象力,去创造更多的低成本传播方式就好了。(Remember this: anything that can be displayed to the public can become a carrier for spreading your brand. You just need to use your boundless imagination to create more low-cost communication methods.)笔记23 推广的本质在于降低顾客的交易成本(Note 23: The Essence of Promotion is to Reduce Customer Transaction Costs)1、营销就是降低顾客的交易成本。这个原理其实来自科斯的交易成本理论以及华与华方法,但科斯讲的是企业的交易成本,我们在这里讲的是顾客的交易成本。(Marketing is about reducing customer transaction costs. This principle actually comes from Coase's transaction cost theory and the 华与华 method, but Coase talks about enterprise transaction costs, while we're talking about customer transaction costs.)2、顾客的交易成本可不只是顾客购买商品的成本,商品价格只是顾客交易成本的一部分,在不同情境下,顾客有不同的交易成本。2.1、顾客的记忆成本。 所有的广告和传播,最核心的目的都是让顾客记住你的广告。那么对一则广告来说,你想让顾客记住什么呢?我认为有三方面内容:你是谁,你怎么样,你有啥事。 这三方面内容,一则广告中至少要有一方面才行,最好是三方面都有。“你是谁”,就是顾客看完广告之后,应该知道这是什么品牌的广告。既然是广告,那就首先要让顾客知道这是什么品牌的广告,所以一条传统的TVC中,至少要三次提及品牌名称,顾客才更容易记住。> “你怎么样”,简单地说,就是告诉顾客你为什么好,好在哪里,顾客凭什么买你。> “你有啥事”,所有广告都有目的,你要说清楚,谁明白。> 最后是“你有啥事”。所有广告都有目的,你要说清楚、说明白。当然,所有这些你想要顾客记住的内容,都应该简单好记、令人印象深刻。(Customer transaction costs aren't just the cost of purchasing goods. The price of goods is only part of the customer's transaction costs. In different situations, customers have different transaction costs.2.1 Customer memory costs. The core purpose of all advertising and communication is to make customers remember your ad. So for an ad, what do you want customers to remember? I think there are three aspects:Who you are, what you're like, and what you're offering. An ad should have at least one of these aspects, ideally all three."Who you are" means after watching the ad, customers should know which brand it's for.Since it's an ad, the first thing is to let customers know which brand it's for, so in a traditional TVC, the brand name should be mentioned at least three times for customers to remember more easily.“What you're like" simply means telling customers why you're good, what's good about you, why customers should buy from you.“What you're offering” - all ads have a purpose, you need to make it clear and understandable.Of course, all this content you want customers to remember should be simple, memorable, and impressive.2.2、搜索和发现成本。就是顾客怎么才能更容易地找到你 案例:王老吉的红罐,7-11 便利店的店招(2.2 Search and discovery costs. This is about how customers can find you more easily.Case study: Wong Lo Kat's red can, 7-11 convenience store signs)2.3、顾客决策成本。顾客发现某个品牌后能不能快速决定是否购买。案例:元气森林。针对喝过元气森林的顾容做过期研,有一个问题是:“你购买第一瓶元气森林的时候,是什么让你决定买一瓶来试试呢?”90%的被调研顾客说,是因为看到包装上写着“0糖,0脂肪,0卡路里”才决定购买的,所以这个包装就降低了顾答的决策成本。 这就是一个具体的顾客决策过程,而包装就是为了降低顾客的决策成本,所以才会写上很多购买理由。顾客的使用体验,决定了他会不会复购和向他人传播。所以产品的使用成本也是一种需要考虑的顾客成本,有时候我们需要在功能性需求和体验性需求中寻找平衡。当顾客的使用成本增加时,相应的使用体验和复购率就会降低。(2.3 Customer decision costs. After discovering a brand, can customers quickly decide whether to purchase?Case study: Genki Forest. A survey was conducted among customers who had tried Genki Forest. One question was: "When you bought your first bottle of Genki Forest, what made you decide to try it?" 90% of surveyed customers said it was because they saw "0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories" on the packaging that they decided to buy. So this packaging reduced the customer's decision cost. This is a specific customer decision process, and the packaging is designed to reduce the customer's decision cost, which is why many purchase reasons are written on it.The customer's usage experience determines whether they will repurchase and spread the word to others. So the product's usage cost is also a type of customer cost that needs to be considered. Sometimes we need to find a balance between functional needs and experiential needs.When the customer's usage cost increases, the corresponding usage experience and repurchase rate will decrease.)2.4 顾客的传播成本:顾客使用或者体验了你的产品之后,如果体验很好,他就会成为一个传播者。在此基础上,你还要为顾客的传播准备好内容和工具,激发顾客的传播动力。> 其实大部分顾客是没有创作能力和动力的,所以你就要为顾客准备好传播内容。你的品牌口号就是要让顾客记住,并且容易让他向另一个顾客推荐的时候说的。(2.4 Customer communication costs: After using or experiencing your product, if the experience is good, they will become a promoter. On this basis, you also need to prepare content and tools for customer communication, stimulating their motivation to spread.Actually, most customers don't have the ability or motivation to create content, so you need to prepare communication content for customers. Your brand slogan should be something customers can remember and easily say when recommending to another customer.)笔记24 一句带有态度的口号,能立刻获得顾客的心理共鸣(Note 24: A Slogan with Attitude Can Instantly Resonate with Customers)1、有用的口号通常有四种类型:(Useful slogans typically fall into four categories:)1.1、阐述品牌或者产品的独特价值(你为什么应该买我) 案例:乐凯撒炸鸡的口号“比鱼肉还嫩”;三胖蛋瓜子的口号“瓜子就是大,跟谁比都不怕”(1.1 Stating the unique value of the brand or product (why you should buy from me) Examples: Le Caesar Fried Chicken's slogan "More tender than fish"; San Pangdan Sunflower Seeds' slogan "Our seeds are big, not afraid to compare with anyone.")1.2、发出行动指令(告诉顾客该在什么时候,什么情况下购买) 案例:益达口香糖“吃完喝完嚼益达”;红牛“困了累了喝红牛”(1.2 Issuing action commands: telling customers when and under what circumstances to buy Examples: Extra gum "After eating and drinking, chew Extra"; Red Bull "Tired? Exhausted? Drink Red Bull.")1.3、在价值观上和消费者产生共鸣核心就是要与顾客在价值观、世界观、人生观方面形成认同,即便是不能在这种精神价值上达成共识,也要在某一类或者某一个观点上达成共识案例:keep 的广告语“自律给我自由”,阿迪达斯的“没有不可能”(1.3 Resonating with consumers on valuesThe core is to form an identification with customers in terms of values, worldview, and outlook on life. Even if consensus can't be reached on these spiritual values, agreement should be reached on a certain category or viewpoint.Examples: Keep's slogan "Self-discipline gives me freedom," Adidas' "Impossible is nothing.")1.4、要和美好、正面的事情、联想、愿望等进行绑定案例:百事可乐过年期间广告“祝你百事可乐”(1.4 Associating with positive things, associations, or wishesExample: Pepsi's New Year advertisement "Wish you everything good luck."2、口号的语法问题: 写广告语,你使用的文字和讲的道理或者逻辑一定要简单,一旦讲深了,大部分人就听不懂、看不懂了。案例:西贝里有一张海报,说“黄鱼越大越好吃”;(Grammatical issues in slogans: When writing advertising copy, the words you use and the reasoning or logic you present must be simple. Once it gets too deep, most people won't understand or comprehend.Example: Xibei has a poster saying "The bigger the yellow croaker, the better it tastes."3、人人都爱听漂亮话,写广告语也是一样,这就是广告语需要“让消费者愉悦”的原因;(Everyone loves to hear nice words, and writing advertising copy is the same. This is why advertising copy needs to "please consumers.")笔记25 那些网红品牌都是怎么起步的?(Note 25: How Did Those Internet-Famous Brands Get Started?)1、大品牌小的时候,才是更值得学的。(Big brands are more worth learning from when they were small.)2、我也曾经问过元气森林的创始人唐彬森,我说你们铺了那么多线下销售点位,是怎么做到的,难道是有特殊资源?他说不是,早期元气森林就是一个一个系统、一个一个点位地死磕,也走过很多弯路,遭受到过很多挫折,但最后还是慢慢好起来了。(I once asked Tang Binsen, the founder of Genki Forest, how they managed to set up so many offline sales points. I asked, did you have special resources? He said no, in the early days, Genki Forest tackled each system and each point one by one, took many detours, suffered many setbacks, but eventually things slowly got better.)3、请记住,大公司推新产品是因为早就有成熟的推广体系。(Remember this: big companies launch new products because they already have mature promotion systems.)4、 即使是许多风光无限的品牌,早期做产品做市场的时候也是四顾无人、连滚带爬、手脚并用地发展,谈不上什么正规打法,能卖出一点是一点而已。(Even many seemingly glamorous brands, in their early stages of product development and marketing, were alone, struggling, crawling along, using all means to develop. There was no talk of any standard approach; they were just trying to sell a bit here and there.)5、 绝大部分创业者为了早期不会死掉,可以不顾自己的体面,放下身段,摸爬滚打,不放过任何一个销售机会。当脱离生死边缘的时候,才会想着怎么系统化打法,体系化地运作等等。(The vast majority of entrepreneurs, in order not to die in the early stages, can put aside their dignity, lower themselves, struggle hard, and not miss any sales opportunity. Only when they're out of the life-or-death situation do they start thinking about systematic approaches, systematic operations, etc.)后记最近在重拾英文,恰好正在二刷这部《卖货真相》,于是,把其作为学习素材,尝试翻译了一些本书摘要的精彩片段,也算是检验对本书理解了多少的一种方式。

2024-7-24 15:43

S4E01 预告:Company Discovered

大家好,我是凯撒。最近凯撒在和一些朋友聊出海机会,有老外,也有国人,从电商(贸易和平台),软件服务,广告营销,到游戏;从订阅模式,聊到定制模式,收获颇丰。无论是哪一种,凯撒发现了一个规律:这些商业机会的初衷都始于要解决的一个问题。工具属性的科技产品,比如Airtable,是提供最简单的数据表单,解决总结对数据的摘要、信息分拣、内容生成 / 翻译及构工作流搭建的需求;比如Github,是给开发者提供一个Web的Git 代码库;比如Canva,是给那些有设计感的人提供一个【设计平台】等。不管是Airtable,Canva,还是GitHub等,他们虽然都在AI的浪潮下相继推出了赋予GPT 技术的新功能,但是,最初创立的初衷没有改变:为解决某一个具体问题而生。科创这个领域很有趣,尤其是海外SaaS,你可以看到很多创业企业或者小企业的诞生,做的产品,仅仅是解决一个最基础的问题。因此,凯撒想借着这个机会,开一个新系列,聊一聊那些凯撒看到过的海外软件产品。声明,这个系列「Company Discovered 」的文章的内容:浓缩众多参考文字材料+凯撒个人观察;当然也可能有个别公司(产品)凯撒会直接翻译现有好的分析文章。还是那句话:如果你有感兴趣的,小众且有特色的软件产品,可以私信凯撒,凯撒将作为素材。还是那句话:这个系列可能单集很短,也可能很长,也可能会用纯英文进行分享,不过,都会在文章的第一段给各位做预告。还是那句话:该系列【不定期更新】水已烧开,等你,上茶。以上。(FS:本系列在凯撒的公众号:【凯撒说】上同时会发布。)

2023-12-21 11:58


2023年03月16日,凯撒发了一篇更新,一则公告,也是凯撒在这里最近的一次更新,内容写的是凯撒将在这个小报童系列做的调整,把内容进行了一些删减和增加。然而,事与愿违,因个人原因,很长时间没有按照事先计划的更新。在这,对一直订阅对朋友们说一声:抱歉。今天,说两件事儿:💡1、改名💡2、凯撒决定继续更新了一、关于改名凯撒的小报童,最早的名字和凯撒的即刻同名:我是凯撒;后来觉得这个名字不是非常的好,太随意;于是,改了现在的名字,称之为:直裰deCaesar,打算是通过「直裰」拟物的形象给各位大家心中打上一个🏷️标签,然,效果依旧不是非常好。思来想去,凯撒决定放弃那些花里胡哨的东西,简单直接,就叫:煲书师傅凯撒取这个名字有两层含义:一来、和凯撒的播客同名;其次、也点出这个小报童的定位。二、重新起航,继续更新原本,凯撒打算放弃在这里进行更新了,峰回路转,今天早上,凯撒收到微信的一条提醒,一位之前订阅的朋友又续上了订阅,一年。首先,非常感谢这位朋友的不离不弃。看到订阅的那一刻,凯撒心中有一种莫名的感动。作为内容创作者,除了通过写作来满足自我的表达欲之外,也希望能在芸芸众生中找到那个志同道合的人。郭德纲郭老师在一次接受鲁豫的采访中谈及自己和德云社的发家历程,被问道这样一个问题:“你们演出最少的时候台下有几个人?”“只有一个。”一个也要接着演。凯撒不敢和郭老师比,但是,有读者看,凯撒就必须继续更新。于是,就有了今天这样一个更新,也是公告🪧💡这个系列聊些什么?只分享一件事:📖分享凯撒所读:好书,好播客,好文章凯撒将在这里分享凯撒读到书,看到的好文章,听到的好播客,结合凯撒实际生活和工作上的经历,和各位分享📖更新周期🌟S1系列:好文章📰&好播客🎙️:不定期。可能一天一篇,可能两天一篇,甚至一周一篇,不定期,有可能是合集,也可能是单篇;好书📖:一个月1篇。内容可能是一本书一篇,也可能是一个月的汇总;🌟S2系列:一个月至少2篇。内容主要是凯撒的随想录,关于商业世界的思考,会谈跨境电商,会谈AI,会谈职场,会谈沟通心得等;🌟S3系列:长篇连载系列,会聊经济学,会聊认知心理学;会聊商业相关等🌟S4 系列:这个系列是唯一一个日更系列,包括的是凯撒每日学习的内容,语言学习,新的写作文体尝试,播客底稿,工作心得等等;好了,闲话少叙,🍵茶已沏好,客观,请用。凯撒于2023年12月21日,家中